Become a Member

What is the benefit for the members of International Association for Intelligent Communications (INAFIC) (from Methodology by dr Jelena Bajic)?

Improvement, development and perfecting communication competencies that are necessary for successful, efficient and confident communication, and therefore development of other necessary professional and personal competencies (transfer of knowledge, information, attitudes, techniques and work methods, discussions, dialogues, team leading, managing, negotiation, etc.), thus providing the highest quality of communication act to the mutual satisfaction of all participants.

By paying annual membership fee of 2400 din, members get possibility to continually improve their communication competences through:

  • Presentation of professional and scientific papers

- Publishing of best works in the Conference Corpus along with scoring
- Gaining points in accordance with the scoring rules
- Publishing of books, practicums and monographies in Association edition

  • Educational programs at discounted prices

- Members of the Association automatically get 10% discount for all paid educational programs that Association organizes (some are free for the members)
- Certain educational programs are free for members of the Organization
- Educational programs are: lectures, seminars, workshops, courses, webinars (live and online ones) and similar events.

  • Business meetings and gatherings within the organization

- Members of the Association automatically get 10% discount for participating in all business meetings within the organization
- Business meetings can be professional conferences; “quick” business meetings, business coffees and similar events
- Business networking among members of the organization

  • Marketing presentation of the members

- Business profile on the Association’s website
- Described biography of the member
- Presentation of business offers and business operation of the member (video interview or photo display)
- Presentation of the member in some of Organization’s social channels
- Advertisement of events of the members in the Association’s calendar (educational activities)
- Opportunity for presenting members in media appearances of the Association (TV, radio, print, and through our webinar platform)

  • Premium membership gives you additional benefits:

- Placing member’s advertisement billboard at Association’s events
- Annual ad banner on a special page on the Association’s website
- VIP place at Association’s events
- Media presentation
- Premium programs

  • Possibility for a member to become an official educator within Association

- Experts can become educators and receive support through Association's participation in organizing their commercial educational programs
- For special members who demonstrate exceptional work, dedication, innovation, enthusiasm and goodwill, there is a possibility of full time work engagement in one of our Organization boards, depending on their competence and aspiration.