Methodology “Intelligent communicologist”

In the post-industrial era, era of globalization and economy of knowledge, it is important to have a clear, general image of the concept and location of competencies and the development of individuals. From the clear market need but also a great experiential thinking, the science methodology Intelligent Communications (IC) Methodology by dr Jelena Bajic was born. It gives the answer in the form of synergy that is missing, one fine connection of all things learned and adopted, and you only get that with adequate intelligent communication! It is a new science methodology, unique in its content and purpose. It has derived from years of research and educational scientific-academic work, first in the defended master thesis entitled: “Internal PR in economic organizations: the impact of interpersonal communication on the employee motivation” (2012), and then in the defended doctoral thesis entitled: “Modern communication models for developing professional and personal competencies on the example of Republic of Serbia (2018).”

The main idea that was guiding this long process was to show the importance of the communication, interpersonal and intrapersonal as well, in everyday life of an individual. Methods and models of person’s learned and adopted technique of communication, greatly define the quality of the present life, and therefore also the future events. It doesn’t necessarily need to be like that. By developing competence, both professional and personal through adequate communication, an individual can significantly improve its life in all segments, and thus indirectly its professional and personal environment.