The Organization, its program and activities for developing competencies necessary for XXI century is intended for all experts in the field of “transversal” competence development, connoisseurs of opportunities that are important for development of modern people, primarily through development of competent-intelligent communication. It is intended for all those who want to be pioneers of a new intelligent communication movement, that changes the old patterns of communication behaviour in individual and group level.
International Association for Intelligent Communications (INAFIC) is intended for academic experts, PHD’s who understand the importance, but also want to professionally contribute to development of XXI century man, to development of his “transversal” competence through intelligent communication. Scientific literature in this field is scarce which makes recipients/users pretty confused and unsure how to choose the right models and programs for competence development. Connecting relevant theories and practice in that direction would represent an impressive scientific and social contribution, and precisely academic experts and PhD’s of relevant studies have crucial role in that development and implementation.
It is also intended for certified coaches, educators in the field of all Modern models for developing professional and personal competencies (Coaching, Transactional Analysis, Assertive behaviour, NLP - Neuro-linguistic programming, Applied theatre - Performance, Non-verbal communication etc.) It is also intended for educators of aforementioned programs who wish to contribute and continue to develop themselves in this direction, but also to curious individuals who want to improve themselves, to grow and develop their communication competence.
Founder of this new movement, new paradigm, is dr Jelena Bajic, with the first doctoral thesis on this subject, named “Modern communication models for developing professional and personal competencies on the example of Republic of Serbia (2018)”, that represent the academic ground and scientific foundation of the new methodology Intelligent Communications (IC) Methodology by dr Jelena Bajic, and with it the creation of the Organization to that topic. With selected and competent members of her team, the author creates programs that converge the best from the existing practice and emphasise the intelligent communication.